Monday, October 18, 2010

Blogging - take 2

Well so I am not sure if because I just saw the movie Julie&Julia or what - but I decided that maybe I should blog more often.  First let me just say that the movie was excellent - and not just because Amy Adams, Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci are awesome.  The movie was well written, and well directed - the cinematography was top notch.  If you have not yet seen this - you should see it.  I don't think you need to be cook or enjoy cooking to really enjoy the movie.

Anyway with that said I will try to blog at least every other day - not that my life is all that interesting - but mainly because I think I really need an outlet to get some of this stuff out.  Considering I live with 7 dogs - lately I find myself carrying entire conversations with them - and well - that just can't be good.

So - this week started like crap already. Capella called me the week before class started and asked me to swap classes so they would have more students in this class.  Well - I agreed and thanks to the last minute change, books were ordered at the last minute and I did not have my book for the first week of class.  I hate starting out late on crap already =/

On a positive note, half my living room is done now - ahh what a relief! I forgot how nice it is to sit in front of the fireplace, sipping my latte while I read about ethics in psychology.  Next I tackle the dining room - although I am having a radical idea to move my office downstairs, section off a piece of the dining room and just let the dogs have the entire room upstairs. I know crazy - this is what happens when I get together with Martha - the woman fills my head with ideas!!

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