Thursday, April 22, 2010

Star Trek Original Series on Blu-ray Review

I have recently purchased the Star Trek Original Series on Blu-ray. For those curious - it is this one here:

First of all let me just say that I love this set. It is so wonderful to see these old episodes again! I love how overacted everything is. I had not seen this show for probably about 20 years and re-watching it again is completely awesome!

Some notes about this set. First - the nice thing about it is that it includes both the original version of each episode and the remastered version. You can choose before each episode how you want to view it - so you can easily swap back and forth if you want to. If you watch it in the original format, there are not issues - but there are some issues with the remastered format.

One of the problems with the remastered format is the sound. I have gone online and checked and this has happened to several people - so I know its not just me. The sound appears to be very inconsistent throughout the remastered version - most of it is very low - which causes you to turn it way up in which case on some scenes it ends up being VERY loud.

The remastered effects themselves are nice - I saw many die-hard ST fans complaining about the effects but I honestly don't think that they take anything away from the show. They have mainly redone some of the ship scenes in space, and some of the background scenes when the crew beams down in a planet. The sound has also been changed in the remastered version which is why I think there are problems. I was really afraid that they would have changed the original ship and instrument sounds but thankfully they did not. The sound changes are small but noticeable - mainly when the captain broadcasts to the ship, when they receive transmissions from other ships etc. None of the original sound effects were changed in the remastered version.

One of the disappointing things is that season one does not include the original Pilot "The Cage" - with Capitan Pike - which was actually not aired until 1988 - but it would have been nice to have it as part of this package. There are some extras in this set but nothing really all that impressive.

I own a lot of older shows on DVD and Blu-ray and one of the problems I generally have with them is that normally they do not include subtitles. Yes I am turning into an old person having to watch TV with subtitles - so bite me =p! I was expecting the same with this set and it was a very nice surprise to find subtitles throughout the entire thing.

I am still watching season 1 - and I am very excited to watch the entire thing. I find myself going back and forth between the two versions to watch the original and then the remastered one to see the differences between the two. If you are a die hard Star Trek fan, this is DEFINITELY a series worth forking out the cash for! From everything I read - this is better than the 2007 release which only included the remastered version and the 2004 release which only included the original version.

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