Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What I wish for today...

I wish it were raining so I could run outside and dance naked
I wish that people were not judged by the music they listen to or the way they choose to dress
I wish the same rights were given to all regardless of how many legs each one has
I wish that rain would fall in purple puddles
I wish that summer was done and the coldness was winter was upon us
I wish that women had the courage to say no
I wish that men had the courage to stop demanding
I wish that self-righteousness burned its wielder like a fire explosion of pain
I wish that everyone who went to sleep last night had enough to eat
I wish that for just one day no one in the world were in pain
I wish that religion really did set people free
I wish we could all fire our representatives
I wish we all remembered the things we chose to forget
I wish I could find a person to treasure the love I give them
I wish that I were exactly the same age as I am
I wish that my youth stays safely tucked in my past
I wish that Mother Nature would pay a visit and kick some ass
I wish that I could fly away in the night sky
I wish that my dogs could talk
I wish people not to judge those that chose not to have children
I wish those with children would learn to raise them
I wish that politicians had to live their decisions
I wish that my path were always lit with paper lights
I wish that oceans were clean and we lived under them
I wish that we were more fascinated with each other than with things that go boom
I wish that the night didn’t help to hide so many things
I wish that daylight wasn’t so bright
I wish I were in London
I wish to go to sleep in Seattle and wake up in San Francisco
I wish the Bible belt had no bible in it
I wish small children could make grown ups see the wonderful world they live in
I wish cats and dogs would play chess
I wish we really did listen to our elders
I wish the government cared
I wish that people didn’t need a government
I wish that people continued to rock on regardless of their age
I wish the stars would float to earth so I could say hello to one of them
I wish I could hear the whispers of ants
I wish that people saw others as people and not as assets
I wish that companies didn’t make any money
I wish that everyone would let their inner artist off their leash
I wish that people in all countries were friends
I wish that bigots would accidentally shoot themselves in their quest for a perfect world
I wish that God didn’t speak to anyone so no one could misquote her
I wish that animals could fight back
I wish that scientists discovered their hearts
I wish that religious addicts learned a little science
I wish for some rain
I wish for some snow
I wish for some music
I wish there really was a starbucks in every corner
I wish money were no object
I wish distance were flexible
I wish I knew my neighbors
I wish there wasn’t anything left to wish for…

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