Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good for the soul

Screaming is good for the soul. You don't have to scream at anyone in specific, just scream out loud to the world. Why the screaming? Because there are things in life that cannot be helped, things and people that cannot be changed and no amount of reason or logic will change that. There are times when effort is meaningless and turning the other cheek becomes an act that takes an amount of willpower that you simply cannot seem to muster. Sometimes you feel helpless and no matter how much ammo you have in your guns and how big your arsenal is, you just cannot bring yourself to use any of it. Keeping all that energy bottled up inside... well lets just say it's not good. Energy has to flow somewhere - it cannot be stopped and eventually you end up blowing up at the cat, dog, husband, child, sister or even a poor defenseless PC.

So reach deep down in your gut, in that place where the bile flows in rivers of hot molten lava, and let it erupt! One loud long burst is all you need - let that toxic gass flow - in more ways than one if you feel the need for it - but don't bottle it in! And if your neighbors complain - well tell them they are lucky you are only screaming out loud and not at them. If they insist, take that for what it is - an act of volunteering kindness in helping you in your hour of need by painting a big red bullseye on their forehead and getting ready for a verbal beating from hell. Energy always flows better when it has a target anyway - be sure to thank them later.

Trust me, afterwards everything will be better!

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