Friday, November 5, 2010


As promised I will shush about politics - although it does annoy me that you can't turn on the radio for 2 seconds without hearing election crap.  I am already disgusted - why can't I sit alone in the dark with my disgust without being poked every 2 minutes with a dissection of what happened? All I can say is thank the gods for the BBC!!

Anyway - I will now talk about TV.  Mainly I will post on the latest show I caught up with - The Vampire Diaries.  I bought the DVD set mainly for 3 reasons - one it's about vampires and I love the topic, two it has Ian Somerhalder in it and you just can't go wrong with eye candy, and three several friends really like the show.  I will say that until Episode 8 in Season 1 this show blows.  I know that they are trying to establish a baseline for a "timeless love" that Stefan and Elena will share, but the narration from the diaries just come of whinny (with lots of "oh I am so sad and I want him" and "Oh I am so broody and I want her" back and forth - it seemed to go on forever at times).  

However, I do have to say that once you get past that, around episode 9 (162 Candles), the show starts to get good.  The storyline stars to unravel and the relationship between Damon and Stefan gets really interesting.  It amazes me that a guy like Ian who is basically eye candy, can actually still act fairly well.  Stefan's character is basically "Angel 2" and he is all broody and depressed all the time, but the Damon character is well written and well acted.  So all in all - I finished season 1 and found myself going to the CW website to catch up on some Season 2 Episodes.  So, if you can sit through the first 8 episodes, I think the rest of the show is worth watching - that is my vote =)

I do have to say that the fans are a bit annoying - I went to check out some fan sites last night.  Every time I turn around I see "Oh but its nothing like the book - or - Oh it doesn't match this from the book", which is essentially more whining.  For people who love to read - that is awesome.  Read the books and enjoy them - however, understand that a film/tv medium is not the same thing as the book.  To keep comparing it to the books is just stupid and makes you sound like an elitist prick.  No, you don't sound smart and well read which I believe is the reason for the soap box whine-a-thon - you sound like someone who is incapable of understanding and appreciating anything other than books.  If you love your books so much, well then - read and stop watching movies and TV.  And this goes not just for this show - but for everything else.  If you can't enjoy it because its not as close to the books as you would like, then go read more books and stop ruining it for the rest of us with a shallow brain who can appreciate pretty pictures!

Wow - I didn't mean to rant - but considering how close we still are to the election I am going to blame my bad mood on that.  Yeah - that's it - its the Tea Party's fault! Yeah that's it...

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