Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I figured I would create an emo post about happiness today. I am so tired of hearing from people about how unahappy they are and how horrible their life is. How some of them hate their lives and the best one so far - today - someone told me "I don't know how to be happy!" - How the hell can you not know? It's not brain surgery people!

I think the problem arises when people start to think that happiness comes in this big chunk - where music plays and the sky turns purple with little pink butterflies and dancers spring out from shops - twirling about with their dry cleaning like in some old 1950's musical. Yeah - if you are in hollywood maybe - but here - in this little place I like to call REALITY - it don't work like that!

Life is life - its not good and its not bad - it is what it is. But mostly - its full of happy, angry, explosive, sad, frustrating, giddy, catatonic, tired, adequate, capable, incompetent, hopeful, annoying, joyful, disgusted, relieved, confused, lonely, delighted, scared, playful, humorous, good, bad, jealous, indifferent, lustful, inspired, relaxed, stressed, energetic, shameful, playful, disappointed, surprised, guilty, uneasy, grateful and hated moments. Actually the list goes on - but you get the picture. So - to assume that you can be happy - all of the time - well that's pretty arrogant and presumptuous, don't you think? After all - you're only human like the rest of us poor slobs!

And it boggles my mind, how people think that they can actually be happy all the time. That there is this mythical place of happiness that you can reach where life is just good and you love everyone, and everyone loves you and flower petals fall before you feet as you walk down a gold inlaid road with swans waving at you. Sorry to break it to ya - but if you are one of those people - I gotta tell ya - it don't work that way.

So how does it work? Happiness - like sadness or any other human emotion - comes in small spurts. There are a thousand things that happen to you everyday that make you happy - just as there are a thousand others that can piss you off. In my case - two thousand - but you get the idea. So - here is the big revelation - its really up to you - to find those moments. Some people say to me "but I don't have those moments" - and I say - you are full of crap! You are either a) just being emo to get attention to yourself or b) wallowing too much in your own self pity to see anything but what you want.

So - where does this elusive happiness await? Can you wait for it and pounce on it when it least expects it so that you can be sure you have it? Well - that would also be too easy - wouldn't it?

Happiness comes in small things - that you learn to appreciate in your life - small things that bring you joy. Some would say "well nothing brings me joy" - and to that I say stop the emo crap! I dare anyone to make a list of 10 things - only 10 out of the thousand that I mentioned - that bring you happiness - or make you feel better or bring a smile to your face. Ten things that happen to you everyday. You ready for the list? I will start with mine - keep in mind this is a short list of just a few things that happened to me today:

1) Willow kisses in the morning - dog breath and all
2) Drinking a latte full of Caffeine when making a new friend
3) A hot shower - where I get to stand under the water just because I can.
4) Red candles burning down perfectly
5) Putting in fresh contacts
6) Choosing paint for my next project
7) A new story idea that popped into my head
8) The smell of Lavender
9) The Cure video End of the World - Because Robert Smith is just so yummy
10) Ron Perlman on TV as Vincent - he really rocks

I could go on - there are a thousand other things that I could add to this list. There are also a thousand other things that pissed me off, angered me, made me giggly and several that made me sad. So was this a happy day or a sad day? Honestly - its up to you - I chose to catch the happy moments in the day. Sure I could chose to focus on the same and pissed off moments - but honestly, today - overall - I chose the happy.

Will all my days be happy? Hell no - but happiness is there - everyday - whether I choose to see it or not. The question is - can you see it for yourself? And if I hear one more person tell me about how they cannot find happiness I will slap you silly until you find something!

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