Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Horrors

Well on my way home tonight, as usual I was listening to the BBC - just about the only thing worth listening to in the wee hours of the morning. I came across a documentary on their show "One Planet" called "Animals & Us". This was a show about the living conditions are animal farms - complete with sound effects - that made me not cry - but completely lose it in the car and bawl my eyes out the entire way home.

In the past, I have steered away from programs like that - telling myself that I just "can't see things like that" and yet continuing on doing the same things I do - because I fall into that out-of-sight, out-of-mind trap. Well, I was caught in a trap with this program - as I didn't want to listen to it, but at the same time, I couldn't bring myself to change the dial. I will not go into the details of what was said and reported on, but I can say that after listening to that, I have decided to to stay away from animal products which are produced in this inhumane manner completely. The excuse I have been able to use in the past, just doesn't seem to fly anymore - the whole story of "I am just one person, what kind of impact can I have?" now feels completely hollow and fills me with remorse.

Sure - I am just one person - I am sure that my daily choices will not affect the bottom line of what goes on for these animals - but at least I know I am not contributing to the problem. I got home and did some research and there are plenty of animal byproducts - such as milk and eggs - that are created in a humane way - such as Pastured Eggs (which are actually better for you) and Milk raised by cows who are treated in a certified Humane manner. Of course most of these are probably only going to be found in specialty stores - but I am willing to drive a little to get them.

So starting today, I am giving up meat and only buying animal by-products from Humane Growers. This article made such an impact on me that I felt I needed to do something. Will I still be doing this in a year? I have no idea - I am like most people - the further away from an issue, the easier it is to rationalize it. But hopefully, if I get to that point, I will be able to come back here and read this and remember all of the reasons why I made this decision.

I wanted to post the link to the BBC program - but since it aired just now it wasn't up yet. I will look for it tomorrow and see if I can add it to this blog entry as well.

Edit: Here is the link to the program I heard on the BBC - you can listen to the program online if you want: